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Create a roster

  1. Click the Roster link on the left menu, then click Active Roster.
  2. Click the Add Player button.
  3. Fill in all information for the player and then click the Add Player button.
  4. Repeat until all players have been added to your rosters.

Add a new season

  1. Click the Seasons link on the left menu.
  2. Click the   Add Season button
  3. Enter a season name (ex. Summer 2015)
  4. Click the Add Season button.

Add games to a season

  1. Click Schedule on the left menu.
  2. Click  Add Game link.
  3. Select the Season you just created or create a new one using the  New button
  4. If you want to create more than one game at once, click the Add More button to create more rows.
  5. Fill in the game date, time, opponent, field, home/away, and status for all games. Click the  New button next to opponents or fields to add new.
  6. Click the Save button to create games.
  7. Repeat steps until all games have been added for your schedule.

Entering game statistics

  1. Click the Schedule link on the left menu. Then Select the new season you created above under Active Seasons.
  2. Click the Actions button for the game you want to add statistics and then select  Add / Update Statistics link.
    Note: You may not see this link if the game is in the future.
  3. Select all players that played in the game in batting order then click Save Statistics.
  4. Enter all statistics for each player.
  5. When complete, click Save.